A retired teacher from Selby has written and published her first book - a story she originally wrote for her own children.
Jill Rodgers, 72, who lives near Selby, has always written stories and poems as a hobby, and decided during the first Covid lockdown to revise and try to publish a children’s story she originally wrote for her children many years ago. After two years and many obstacles - getting to grips with self publishing and finding a suitable illustrator to name just two - the book has now been published. ‘Rescue Ride’ is an adventure story for young readers around seven to 10-years-old, and tells how Emily and her family are staying in a remote cottage when her little brother suddenly needs urgent medical attention. Emily, a novice rider, has to borrow a friend’s pony to ride for help, overcoming a few problems on the way.
Jill said: “I had already written the story after we had a holiday house sitting a property way out in the sticks when my children were little, and I suddenly thought ‘what would happen if there was an emergency?’ “That was the inspiration for the story. It took 35 years to come to fruition, but it’s absolutely fantastic to have finished it and to have the book in my hands and I will be able to pass it on to my grandchildren, who are the right age to enjoy it.” Jill’s second story, Max the Magnificent, a sequel about the same children, is now being illustrated and should be published later this year. She is looking forward to visiting schools and libraries in the area to promote her books and to encourage children to read generally and to write stories themselves. She can be contacted by email on storiesfromthelodge.2021@gmail.com
Rescue Ride is available on Amazon.co.uk Jill Rodgers. (12-01-19 SU)